Fozzy Fest 2010 Event Poster & Flyer

Fozzy Fest is an electronic music celebration held over the Canada Day long weekend in beautiful Kananaskis country. Surrounded by mountains and trees, it creates a vibe quite unique to many of the festivals I’ve been to.  I was lucky to have experienced Fozzy Fest first hand for the previous three years, which I think gave me a huge advantage to coming up with something that suited the party’s brand.

The event poster and flyer that I did for the Fozzy crew was my first piece of real design work to speak of.  It was also my first taste of freelance.  It’s been nearly a year since completion but it’s still one of my favorite pieces in my portfolio.

From the get-go I worked with event promoters Shawn and Darryl closely.  They pitched the concept of trying to create an image of what it would look like standing in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by trees, looking up at the stars.  I took it from there and we ended up with the below poster and flyer.

Note about the Fozzy Fest website: I didn’t have anything to do with building it except offering my theme as a background image.



Fozzy Fest 2010 Poster

Fozzy Fest 2010 Flyer (Front)

Fozzy Fest 2010 Flyer (Back)