The Light Within – Graphic Novel

I realized that I haven’t posted for a long time and I don’t want anyone to think that I’ve been hit by a bus, or fallen off the face of the Earth, so I’ve dug through the archives and will be posting a few things over the next couple weeks. Some of the stuff has been posted elsewhere but it doesn’t hurt to go in and have another look!

This is an animated graphic novel that was assigned in the second semester of our NMPD program. We had a stellar group of people working on it and I think it came together really well. The backgrounds were shot around Victoria and the characters all of people that worked on the project. Then we used a lot of tools including Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Logic (and I’m sure I’m missing some) to rework the images into the final product.

Trevor Korol – Project Manager/AE Programming
Kaleigh Campbell – Storyboard/Script
Ashley Wheeler – Character Design
Adam Warner – Background Design
Brayden Bell – Score/Sound Design

Hope you like it!

The Light Within – Graphic Novel Trailer from Adam Warner on Vimeo.

Random Quote in Photoshop

The Random Quote project was from semester two. We just had to take a quote from anywhere and add some personality to it using typography techniques. I chose a line from a beautiful song by Dr. Dog, called “The Breeze”. I tried to capture some of the emotion in the song and add a bit of my own spin to it.

We were allowed to use any images and technique we wanted but I opted to mask out a photograph and keep it really simple.

Random Quote

Self Portrait in Photoshop

This is a project from my first semester in NMPD. We had to create a self portrait using Photoshop. I started with a photo and built up layers with CS5’s new mixer brush tool. The final image looks as if it were painted and has a real organic feel to it.

Self Portrait

Brockman Remix – Fictitious Event Poster

So I’m kind of stepping out of order in terms of putting up my work chronologically, but this image is web ready so I thought I’d post it! We had to take the grid system from a Josef Muller-Brockmann poster and remix it into our own design. I used my love for event posters and created a piece based off of a night filled with great music (with me as the headliner of course), and went from there. I love the color and the way the grid works in this piece.

The funny thing is, I didn’t know how much of his influence was already in my work before I started researching him. He and his compadres have definitely left a huge impact on our design world!

Shape of a Fox - Brockman Remix